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Special General Members Meeting

  • 12 Apr 2022
  • 5:30 PM
  • Sydney and Online


Registration is closed


A not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee.

ICN ABN 27 091186015

Notice of Special General Meeting

All members of the Australia Latin America Business Council are advised that a Special General Meeting of the members of will take place as follows:

Time:       5: 30 PM          

Date:        12 April 2022      

Place:       Suite 1401, Level 14, 14 Martin Place, Sydney 2000


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 5675 9412

One tap mobile

+61861193900,,81356759412# Australia

+61871501149,,81356759412# Australia

On arrival at the meeting, members should check the register of members and if needed, update their name, address and any other details.

Purpose of the meeting :

This meeting has been called to consider a special resolution to amend ALABC’s Constitution.





Welcome, attendees and apologies:

1.1       Confirm the chair for the meeting

1.2       Attendees

1.3       Apologies

1.4       Quorum


Special resolution/s

The following special resolution/s will be put to the meeting for approval:

Current Clause

Proposed amendment


7.3 Appointment of Directors

(b) Directors elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting Hold Office Until the end of the next Annual General Meeting after election.


7.4 Procedure for Election of Directors


(iii) Directors who wish to stand for election for a further term shall advise the Chief Executive Officer of their intention to do so at least 14 days prior to the AGM and will not require re-nomination

7.6 Board renewal and succession

(a) In normal circumstances, Directors can only serve for 2 consecutive 2 year terms after which time they must stand for a period of at least 1 year to be eligible to re-nominate for the Board.

(b) Existing Directors at the time of the 2018 AGM who had been Directors for over 5 years could re-nominate for a 1-year term at the 2018 AGM. They would then be able to re-nominate for a further 2-year term at the 2019 AGM.


(c) In view of the exceptional circumstances arising from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Directors elected at the 2019 AGM will have their two-year term extended by one year. For those Directors elected under Article 7.6 (b), they would not be eligible to nominate for the Board at the 2022 AGM.

For those Directors covered by Article 7.6 (c) and due for re-election at the 2020 AGM, they will be elected for a three-year period and will not be eligible to nominate for the Board at the 2023 AGM. Any Director elected for the first time at the 2019 AGM will serve for three years and will be eligible to nominate for election for the Board for a further two years at the 2022 AGM.




Delete Clause 7.3 (b)


7.4 Procedure for Election of Directors 

(iii) Directors who are eligible and wish to stand for election for a further term shall advise the Chief Executive Officer of their intention to do so at least 14 days prior to the AGM and will not require re-nomination

7.6 Board renewal and succession

a) Directors can serve for two consecutive 2 year terms after which time they must stand down. Directors who have served for two consecutive 2 year terms shall be eligible to nominate for re-election to the Board for a further (1 year) term at future AGMs.


Delete Clause 7.6.(b)





Delete Clause 7.6 (c)



Voting by members eligible to vote


Counting of the votes


Determination of outcome


Announcement of result



Kind regards

Marcelo Salas

CEO/Company Secretary


Championing Business Growth across the Pacific

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